Monday, 29 October 2012

Obstacles to learning a language #1: Procrastination.

Definition of procrastination


  • the action of delaying or postponing something:your first tip is to avoid procrastination


procrastination is the thief of time

proverb if you delay doing something, it will take longer to do later on:maybe TV and procrastination really are the thieves of time
Ah, procrastination... I thought it was an excellent topic to post about because there has been a lot of it going on in my life recently. I have a suspicion that perhaps procrastination gets even worse in Autumn. The weather gets cooler, the trees start to die, the days are shorter, and it is easy to feel lethargic.

One of the things that unfortunately has been affected by this lethargy is (in case you hadn't noticed) this blog. So, it is my new goal to make a new post every Monday. I am going to post about all kinds of subjects related to learning English and there will be links for you to dictionary definitions of more advanced vocabulary throughout. (Just like that!).

So, I suppose the big, important question is "How do I stop procrastinating?" Good question. I found this article online that includes 7 tips for stopping procrastination. They are as follows:
1. Stop thinking, start doing.
3. Just take the first step.
4. Start with the hardest task of your day.
5. Just make a decision. Any decision.
6. Face your fear.
7. Finish it.

What do you think? Easier said than done. What works for me is to tell myself "Just do it like a Band-aid.": If you pull a Band-aid off slowly, it is really painful, but if you do it quickly, the pain is over fast and you can feel relief much sooner. So, whenever you find yourself procrastinating, remember the Band-aid.

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