In my opinion, depression is a blessing and a curse. It can make even the simplest everyday activity seem impossible. Doing the dishes often feels as overwhelming as eating an elephant! But, as the saying goes - "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!".
It's this kind of philosophical thinking that has made me develop some appreciation for my depression. I have learned so much more about myself, others and life in general because I have been depressed. I have read many books and watched many documentaries that I would never have noticed if I hadn't been depressed. Yes, some days are really, really hard, but some days are just magical and full of wonder because I can accept myself more and more as I heal.
It has also made me a better teacher and person in general. After feeling so isolated, I now feel much more connected to my community. I am kinder. I get scared about the silliest things, like putting up a poster on a noticeboard, but I have no problem performing on stage in front of thousands of people! And yes, I can now laugh at myself about these things.
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