Monday, 26 November 2012

Obstacles to learning a language #2: Fear

Okay, so perhaps I should re-phrase the title of this blog post. Fear is not just a big obstacle to learning a language, but to life in general. Everybody feels fear in one way or another. It is part of life. However, for some people, fear can be such a problem that it gets in the way of reaching their goals. This is where fear relates to learning a language and, for me personally, it can be a huge obstacle.
They say that the number one fear people have is a fear of public speaking. I guess that makes sense- if you are functional human being, having to make a presentation, a speech, speak up in a meeting etc. is pretty unavoidable. It is a part of living a social human life. However, it can be a very anxiety-provoking experience. You are centre-stage. You feel like you are being judged. Maybe you ARE being judged. Is your opinion being judged, your appearance, is there something in your teeth?? PANIC!! But, hey, at least you get to speak your native language.

This has always been my personal battle. I have been a performer almost my whole life. I am very used to being on stage. I can sing in front of huge crowds of people. I love teaching. Public speaking, whether rehearsed or made up on the spot, doesn't bother me at all. In English, that is. As soon as I have to switch to my second language, French, I panic. My confidence suddenly vanishes. My perfectionism and anxiety swiftly kicks in. It is particularly annoying and frustrating because I am a language teacher and I feel like I should be a better example to my students. I should be able to push through the fear and just do it anyway. Well, that's the plan!

I recently felt like my learning had stalled and I needed to change things up to get me focused again. I literally needed to learn how to "feel the fear and do it anyway". So, you guessed it, I went out and bought the book  "Feel the fear and do it anyway". I feel slightly annoyed that I hadn't read it ten years ago. Oh, the things I could have achieved!

Anyway, I would just like to share what the author, Susan Jeffers, calls the "Five Truths of Fear":

1. The fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow.
2. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it.
3. The only way to feel better about yourself is to go out... and do it.
4. Not only are you going to experience fear whenever you're on unfamiliar territory, so is everyone else.
5. Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.

So far, I feel like I have personally made some big improvements to tackling my fear of speaking French in public. I always thought that it made me a poor example for my students, but now I think that it makes me a much more compassionate and understanding teacher. With each other's support, we can absolutely "feel the fear and do it anyway".

Monday, 19 November 2012

Get SuperBetter

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
After a severe concussion, Jane McGonigal found herself on mandatory bedrest and feeling deeply depressed. In this talk from TEDGlobal 2012, she shares how she found her way out of a downward spiral — by creating a video game, SuperBetter, that helps people heal.

Monday, 12 November 2012

What did you do last weekend?

Wow. I'm exhausted! But very happy. Why, you ask? Well, because I took part in the 2nd annual cross-Montreal scavenger hunt "Impossible Montreal" on the weekend.

From November 9th to 11th, my team of 11 people (aptly named "Dumbledore's Army") had to complete as many challenges as we could from a long, crazy list. The event was run by Montreal Improv and required each team to post photo or video proof of each completed challenge. There was a total of seven teams this year. Our team did really well, leading up until the last moment when we were pipped at the post by the winners "Hunny Badgers".

So, what did we have to do? Well, here are a few of my favorite submissions:

Super Marionette Bros!

Dumbledore's Army Team Haka

The Singing Smoked Meat Sandwich

Eating "Mayo" in Public

A nice superpower to have...

These are just a selected few of my personal favorites. To see more, check out the Impossible Montreal website. Why not join us next year...?

Monday, 5 November 2012


IELTS and TOEFL are two internationally-recognized English proficiency tests that students can take to prove how good their English is. They are both used for immigration purposes and also for getting into an English-speaking university. However, they are two very different exams and a lot of students often ask the question "Which test should I take, IELTS or TOEFL?". The answer is... It depends.

The first question to ask yourself is: Why do I need to pass an English proficiency test? Some countries have preferences of test. For example, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand prefer IELTS, whereas the United States favors TOEFL. Therefore, if you are trying to immigrate or enter a specific foreign university, check to see if one test is preferred over the other.

Secondly, TOEFL is a typed exam whereas IELTS is handwritten. If you are a very slow typist, IELTS might suit you better. If you have very illegible handwriting, TOEFL may be better for you. 

Another thing to note is that IELTS is made using British English and TOEFL uses American English. This is especially integral in the listening sections of the two tests. If you are more used to American accents, you might score better on the TOEFL and vice-versa for IELTS. IELTS also uses listening exercises featuring Australian and New Zealand accents which can seem very strange if you are not accustomed to them.

Finally, it really depends on what your end goal is. Personally, if you need to pass an English proficiency test for immigration purposes, I would recommend doing TOEFL as it is a bit more formulaic and is sometimes considered easier to pass because of this. However, if your goal is to go to an English-speaking university, I would urge you to consider doing IELTS as it thoroughly tests the exact skills you need for passing exams and writing wonderful essays. I think it is much better to have a realistically difficult test than an easy one and then waste your time and money by failing at university simply because your English wasn't good enough!

In conclusion, there are many pros and cons for both exams. If you have any questions or would like some advice about which exam you or your family member/friend should take, please leave a comment and I will get back to you soon. Happy studying!